About Us
We are a coalition of solid waste professionals in Wisconsin that formed in 2019 to educate and inform our industry members, lawmakers, and the public about the relationship between PFAS and our waste.

Focus Areas
Legislative and Advocacy: Represent the interests of solid waste facilities (landfills, compost facilities, recycling facilities) to legislators, regulators, and the governor’s office
Public Outreach and Messaging: Build a fact-based response to the growing concern around sources of the compounds and their impact to human health and the environment.
Sampling, Analysis and Standards: Be part of the process for developing surface water and solids standards and exceedance thresholds.
Leachate Treatment: Better understand (logistics/financial) the impact to solid waste facilities and their ability to have leachate treated.
Wastewater/SW Coalition: Build a coalition with the wastewater industry. Better understand the impact of what could be a growing demand for landfill capacity for sludge that isn’t able to be land applied.
Closed Landfills/Remediation: Build understanding of the implications to closed sites.

Ongoing Work
The Solid Waste PFAS Work Group was established to share information and resources about PFAS and its impact our industry. This group is not member-based. If you are interested learning more about our work, please email swanawi@gmail.com.
Site hosted by the WI Counties Solid Waste Management Association
Copyright 2024